Finepix viewer for mac lion
Finepix viewer for mac lion

finepix viewer for mac lion

But photo processing is pretty much a drag-and-drop and GUI-based thing for me, so I wouldn’t want to switch over to the Terminal for dealing with photos unless absolutely necessary.) So I did download ExifTool from here, and learned from a blog comment above that the two images can be extracted by using these commands: xiftool -trailer:all= image.mpo -o mpimage1.jpgĮxiftool image.mpo -mpimage2 -b > mpimage2.jpg What I did was to follow the leads on the comment thread of this blog post, where a command line utility called ExifTool was mentioned as being capable of performing the extraction.īut who likes command line tools? (OK, a bunch of people do. So are we only supposed to look at the stereo images on FujiFilms 3D displays or lenticular prints? Shall we give up on anaglyphs and other view options? I’m sure there will soon be elegant GUI-based solutions for extracting the two JPEGs from the MPO on a Mac, but for the time being, here’s a little GUI hack that takes a bunch of MPO files and extracts the image pairs from them. (Ricoh does publish a small app called VM-1 that supposedly handles MPOs, but, in my testing, it failed to process FujiFilm’s MPOs.) There’s an especial dearth of MPO-savy applications on the Mac.

finepix viewer for mac lion

While FujiFilms new 3D products and services work with this format, most image processing applications cannot do much with it. The REAL 3D saves stereo images as MPO files – basically a wrapper for two JPEGs. Here’s a description of what I did, as well as two download links if you only care about the what, not the how. I haven’t been able to find a simple way on the Mac to extract the two JPEG images contained in this format, so I wrapped an Automator action around a shell script using the command-line ExifTool, and voilà, now I have a GUI app that accepts drag and drop.

finepix viewer for mac lion

The FujiFilm REAL 3D camera uses the MPO file format for storing stereo image information.

Finepix viewer for mac lion